
Chem Link Humor

Buknell Chemistry Songs
All your favorites: How to Make Aspirin Today, Magnesium the Beautiful, Grignard the Beautiful, The Alcohol Substitution March, Off the Alcohol Goes, Ode to an Acetal, Glory, Glory, It's Wolff-Kischner!, Oh, My Ketone, The Aldol Reaction, Synthesis Lament, More Chem Songs

Chem Jokes
A wide variety of chemistry jokes.Chemistry: The Songs of Our Lives

A fantastic collection of semester theme songs.
Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division
The controversy surrounding dihydrogen monoxide has never been more widely debated, and the goal of this site is to provide an unbiased data clearinghouse and a forum for public discussion. The success of this site depends on you, the citizen concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide.comments and suggestions.

Good Enough for Chemistry

A tragedy in three scenes.Humor Menu

A range of cartoons and humor.Jokes Related to Chemistry

An attempt at chemical humor.Labrats

LABRATS features the adventures of chemistry major Sid Ford, her neurotic boyfriend Chuck, her somewhat normal roommate Barbara, and dim bass player Marshall.

Song of Cesium
The ancient manuscripts from which these songs are derived are fragmentary, and consequently the accuracy of the following translations must be taken with a grain of Cesium Chloride. In places, the translator has filled in gaps to the best of his ability using available knowledge about the culture and traditions of ancient Cesia much of which, is itself controversial.Swedish Christmas Chemistry
The Swedish Christmas traditions constitute a delightful mixture of originally Pagan rites, derived from the Viking ancestors, and more recently introduced Christian customs.

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