
Chem link Labs

*Acid-Base Titrations
This site has a variety of interactive acid-base titrations that can be performed.

Strong Acid - Strong BaseWeak Acid/Strong BaseStrong Acid/Weak BaseAll CombinationsSketch GraphChoice of Indicators

Gas Laws
This site provides interactivity that covers several gas laws.

Diffusion of gases: Effect of Temperature and Molar MassBoyle's Law ModelRelationship Between Volume, Pressure and Temperature for a Fixed Mass of GasEquilibrium
The equilibrium between H2 + I2 <==> 2 HI. Adjustments can be made so students can to identify how the concentrations vary.

The site has a variety of interactive lab simulations that cover every almost every aspect of kinetics.

Gas KineticsRate expressions: First OrderlRate expressions: Second Order Temperature Effects: Kinetics/Transition State TheoryTemperature Effects: Rate ConstantKinetics & Gas Simulator
Great illustration of the movements of molecules under a variety of conditions.

Le Chatelier's Principle Model
This model demonstrates the attainment of equilibrium in a model chemical reaction. The way in which the position of equilibrium is affected by altering the conditions is summarized by Le Chatelier's principle.

Molecules in Motion
Temperature, mass, the number of particles, and internal pressure can be manipulated to see the effect on the movement of molecules.

These applets provide an excellent look at periodicity of properties amongst the elements.

Periodicity: Atomic & Ionic Radii
Periodicity: Physical Properties
Principle Species & pH in Acid Base Solutions
Pick the volume of a given concentration of an acid and base and it will identify concentrations of each species at the start, before and at equilibrium. Buffers can also be worked with.

One of the first numerical problems encountered in introductory chemistry is that of "limiting reagents". The applet does not approach or solve the problem as it would be done with paper and pencil, on the blackboard, or in the textbook. Rather, it serves as a supplement to such calculations, providing imagery that helps students see beyond a route mathematical procedure. In lecture, the instructor may work through the problem on the blackboard, referring to the applet as a constant visual reminder of what is being calculated and why. Outside lecture, students may use the applet while solving problems, to generate and check intermediate results and help them discover and correct their own mistakes.

Variation of Boiling Point with Pressure
Compares the varying pressures and initial temperatures of a water vapor pressure curve, the estimated vapor pressure curve using Trouton's rule, and the methane vapor pressure curve.

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